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Friday, February 17, 2006

Fastr - A Flickr Game

Most of you already know about Flickr, a website where you can create an account and share photos with the world. Well, as you might expect, Flickr has amassed quite a collection of photos over time. What else can you do with these photos besides view them? Play a game with them, of course!

Fastr is a game that bases itself on the fact that, when you save a photo to Flickr, you can also add one or more 'tags' to describe the image, so a picture you upload of your tuxedo cat could be tagged 'cat', 'tux', 'tuxedo cat', 'black and white', etc. In this game, Fastr will present a series of ten photos. Each photo is presented about 5 seconds apart. Your job (after typing a name for yourself), is to enter a guess for what word you think all the images shown were tagged with. If you type a word and it is correct, you get points (from 1 - 10) based on how quickly you identified the tag (got it right after the first photo? 10 points. 2nd photo? 9 points, etc.). If not, type another guess. Keep typing until either all ten photos are shown, or you guess correctly. You'll know when you get it right; you immediately win the points you were entitled to. Then it starts with a new series of photos. You see your score, with other players, on the left of the screen. After a set number of rounds, the game ends, then starts a fresh round and clears the scores.

It took me much longer to describe it here than it takes to just jump in and start playing. Good luck, and have fun! If you see a player called 'Kachup', you're up against me!

Fastr - A Flickr Game
Flickr - Store, Search, Sort and Share Your Photos

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