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Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Misheard *Holiday* Song Lyrics

Over the years, something I've found humorous are the various collections of misheard song lyrics put together in book form (The "'Scuse Me While I Kiss This Guy" collection), and all over the internet (just Google 'misheard song lyrics' sometime).

The fine folks at present their collection each year, something they call "Mondegreens" (for an explanation, see the page) of misheard song lyrics relating to holiday traditional carols and songs. There's even a link to send in your own misheard lyrics. I like Snopes because, in my day job working at a help desk, I am frequently sent emails on our company listserv from users wondering if a certain email they received is legit. I refer them to and invariably the scam is there. Bookmark their site yourself for easy reference, if you haven't already.

Presented here, though, is their homage to Christmas lyrics misheard -- enjoy!

The Red and the Mondegreen

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