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Sunday, May 06, 2007

International No Diet Day Today

Are you putting your life on hold until you lose weight? On May 6, 2007, in celebration of International No Diet Day, people in cities and towns around the globe will join a one-day moratorium on weight-loss dieting sponsored by an international coalition of health professionals, activists and community groups.

Originated in 1992 by Mary Evans Young, the director of a British activist group called Diet breakers, International No Diet Day was established to challenge the cultural attitudes and values that contribute to chronic dieting, weight preoccupation, eating disorders, and size discrimination. Participants will wear light blue ribbons symbolizing the day's goals. These include:

1. increasing public awareness of the dangers and futility of dieting, weight loss surgery, and obsession with thinness;

2. affirming that beauty, health and fitness come in ALL sizes, and everybody's right to eat normally, enjoy physical activity and emotional well-being;

3. helping change the way people of size are perceived and treated by society.

INDD is celebrated worldwide. In past years, events have been held in the U.S., Canada, Australia, New Zealand, England, Norway, South Africa and Russia. These events have included scale smashing and recycling, a diet relics museum, picnics and eat-ins, street theater, protests at weight-loss surgery and diet centers, official government proclamations naming May 6 No Diet Day in cities and states, educational forums, petitions and demonstrations in support of size rights legislation, exhibits of size-positive art and photography, size-friendly fashion shows and diet-free dances.

For more information, contact:

Official INDD web site:

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